01 March 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 1MAR2011

Ammonia from meteorites could have aided start of life on Earth
Scientific American Mon, 28 Feb 2011 15:02 PM PST
Asteroids and comets have long been suspected of helping nudge Earth toward life. The interplanetary interlopers have struck Earth since the beginning, delivering carbon, water, and sometimes organic compounds such as amino acids . By providing key chemicals or even pre-formed biological building blocks , as well as the heat and energy generated by a meteorite impact, space rocks may have played ...

Mars meteorite craters: Make mine a double
MSNBC Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:43 PM PST
What could be worse a meteorite hitting you? Two meteorites hitting you, at the same time!

Meteorites may have delivered first ammonia for life on earth: new study
PhysOrg Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:41 PM PST
Researchers have teased ammonia of a carbon-containing meteoritefrom Antarctica, and propose that meteorites may have delivered that essential ingredient for life to an early Earth....

Bukit Bunuh-the oldest Palaeolithic site outside Africa
Researchers also found evidence supporting the theory that the local Palaeolithic culture was disappeared due to a meteorite impact 1.83 million years ago. This was provided by geomorphologic evidence, the presence of suevite stone-a type of rock ...

Just another asteroid hurtling toward Earth ...
Boston Globe
People have long been fascinated by the threat of apocalypse by asteroid, as depicted in movies such as the 1998 film “Armageddon'' and 1979's “Meteor,'' which was inspired by an MIT student project to create a plan to avoid a theoretical collision. ...

Meteorites Illuminate Mystery of Chromium in Earth's Core
Universe Today
by Anne Minard on February 24, 2011 It's generally assumed that the Earth's overall composition is similar to that of chondritic meteorites, the primitive, undifferentiated building blocks of the solar system. But a new study in Science Express led by ...

Assistant geology professor collects meteorites in Antarctica
TCU Daily Skiff
Mayne, assistant professor of geology, returned from collecting meteorites in Antarctica's negative 30 degree weather one day before Fort Worth's ice storm hit, she said. The National Science Foundation sponsored the Antarctic Search For Meteorites...

What is the Definition of a Meteorite?
Denton Ebel explains the definition of a meteorite. See this basic definition of a meteorite.

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